Galería Sextante / Taller Arte Dos Gráfico

Samy Benmayor


Samy Benmayor was born in Santiago de Chile in 1956 and studied at the School of Fine Arts of the University of Chile. He belongs to the so-called generation of the 80s, proposing the permanence of traditional painting, freed from prejudices and theoretical discourses, developing a neo-expressionist language, of great expressive force, with touches of mischievous humor and cartoonish figures. He currently lives and works in Santiago.


Samy highlights a treatment in his works where a clear symbolic charge is appreciated; This refers to the intention of recovering the language and craft of painting lost with the conceptual trend, a movement that had penetrated Chile. In his work he seeks to return to the traditional, capturing the subjectivity of the artist in the work, privileging the versatile and gestural expression of painting through images and simultaneous events in the same space

Samy Benmayor
Title: Van Gogh
Year: 2012
Dimensions: 80 x 60 cm - 31,4 x 23,6
Edition: 67 Ejemplares y 10 P.A
Price: US$ 800.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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