
Norma Mieko Okamura


Studied at EBA – Escola de Belas Artes do Rio de Janeiro and EAV – Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, guided by masters such as Nelson Leirner, João Magalhães, Katie Von Sherpenberg, Viviane Matesco, Cristina Pape, Lia do Rio and David Cury, among others. Has works in the collection of the Ingá Museum, CC Cultural Carlos Magno and Galeria Candido Mendes. Exhibitions in Brazil (IBEU, Brand New, Post Office among others) and abroad (New York, Stockholm, and Paris).


Norma Mieko Okamura translates in her works a constant research matter, whose theme is based on phenomena of nature: Physics of the Earth, sea, fire, and air.

Norma Mieko Okamura
Title: Air Physics 5
Medium: Enkhaustic on wood
Year: 2017
Dimensions: 160 x 120 cm
Price: US$ 1,100.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Zagut

Other galleries

Simone Cadinelli Contemporary Art Gallery
Aina Nowack /AAC Galería de Arte
Casa Hoffmann
Air Physics 5