Helena d'Avila
Studied Visual Arts at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, being a postgraduate degree in FILM PRODUCTION from the Pontifical Catholic Uiversity - PUC/RS. She has participation in several institutions, with national and international exhibitions. She works at the Porto Alegre - Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo circuit. There's production and citation in art books. She worked with SCENOGRAPHY for theater and ART DIRECTION in cinema.
Her main activity is painting, with strong gestual character and abstraction of the figure. Multimedia artist, work with VÍDEOARTE, employs PHOTOGRAPHY as a "motto" to bring a new concept of SPACE/TIME in her paintings. The use of overlapping images of photos made by the artist, creates on the screen complex spatialities, which are worked with pictorial notions such as landscape, color, line, light, shape, depth, volume, etc., generating a new and rich scenery.
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in