
Anna Braga


Studied with Anna Bella Geiger, Elena Molinari, Maria Freire, Hilda Lopes, EAV Parque Lage; specialization in Art and Philosophy, Master in Sociology. Numerous group and individual exhibitions. Publications. Works in collections: Museum of Contemporary Art of Uruguay; Cultural Center of Caixa Econômica Federal (Brasília / DF); Centro Cultural dos Correos and Telegraphs, Postal Museum / Rio de Janeiro, National Museum of the Republic / MUN.


Combine graphic and pictorial solutions in her work, alternating the use of paint and graphics. Develop, through the appropriation of images taken from the news media, an object, the result of which is hybrid. Starting from the newspaper and its layout, more specifically from the female images that illustrate the advertising pages of the spa and massage section, and from the female figure of the Greek statuary, create intersections between these two iconic sources of opposite tradition.

Anna Braga
Title: Ternas Peles (tender skins) 9
Serie: Ternas Peles (tender skins)
Medium: mixed media: juxtaposition of images, wood print, newspaper, collage, acrylic, photographic paper
Year: 2005
Dimensions: 150 x 100 cm
Price: US$ 2,000.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Zagut

Other galleries

Luz Verde
Lyv Gallery
Pan American Art
Nora Fisch
Luiz Caribé Art Gallery
Ternas Peles (tender skins) 9