Prima Galería

Carolina Barros


(Santiago, 1962) Designer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, she studied printmaking with Beatriz Leyton and participated in Taller 99. She has had residencies such as "Art Print Residence" in Barcelona and "Baldessin Press Residence" in Melbourne. He has had solo and group exhibitions in Chile and abroad, in places such as AMS Marlborough Gallery (Stgo, Chile), Arte Actual Gallery (Stgo, Chile), MAAC Guayaquil in the framework of Bienal Sur (Guayaquil, Ecuador), Pabellón de la Araucanía (Temuco, Chile), Museo a Cielo Abierto, Bienal Sur (Latin America), Pabellón de las Bellas Artes UCA (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 10a Biennale Internazionale per L`incisione (Acqui Terme, Italy), MAC Parque Forestal (Stgo, Chile), Galería Praxis (Stgo, Chile), among others.


Carolina Barros' work focuses on parallel research in printmaking, painting and video. A game that dialogues between the rational and the playful, in the selection of modules that form patterns of new structures, or new relationships between existing structures. The "illusory space" appears, the variable forms of kineticism and the tension between dualities: geometry and chance, reality or illusion, light and shadow, full and empty, monochrome and color. In the plastic image of the work appears the third dimension, where individual forms become independent to form part of a new weightless space. In the play of superposition between solid opaque and translucent supports, the light source, the space and the viewer's point of view take an active part in the perception of the work.

Carolina Barros
Title: Textil Concéntrico
Medium: Engraving on acrylic and paper
Year: 2021
Dimensions: 70 x 70 cm.
Price: US$ 5,000.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Textil Concéntrico