OdA art gallery

Fabiana Barreda


Born in 1967. Lives and works in Buenos Aires.
Photographer and performer, curator and art critic. Graduate of the Faculty of Psychology of the UBA. She worked as a professor in Art Psychology at
UNTREF and contemporary art at IUNA and teaches seminars in the careers of Architecture and Psychology at UBA. Collaborates for the magazine of the Central Society of Architects and Contextos Magazines of UBA. Since 1992 she has participated in numerous exhibitions in Argentina and abroad.
In 1996 she made her first solo show and since 1998 she has been working on the Habitat Project to the present day. In 1998 she published the book La ciudad subterránea, a photographic essay with texts by Marc Augé, Clorindo Testa, Marcelo Pacheco and Jorge López Anayay in 2001 she published an alternative publication entitled Manifiesto proyecto hábitat.
Her work is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, in the Art Foundation BA, in the New York University and in the Castagnino Museum in Rosario, Argentina.


Jury in Cultural Patronage. Visual Arts. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Jury in Cultural Patronage. Visual Arts. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Citi Creative Woman Award + University of Palermo. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Selection Award New Installations and Alternative Media by Sound Body -
Reactable Alphabet, application for iPad support (Apple) and electronic system
created by Pompeu Fabra University. National Hall. Palais de Glace
Third Prize for New Supports and Installations. Salón Nacional. Palais de
Glace. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Third Mention of the Salón Nacional de Fotografía. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chandon Buenos Aires Photo Award. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Selected Architecture Biennale in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Creation Fellowship Antorchas Foundation
Diploma of merit visual arts-installation Konex Foundation
National Arts Fund Fellowship
Honorary mention Banco Nación award
2nd Prize Photography Salon in Castagnino Museum, Rosario, Argentina
Selected for the Habana Biennial
Leonardo Prize for Photographer of the Year at the Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, Aregentina
Second prize in photography Klemm Foundation
Mention Salón de Creatividad del Fondo Nacional de las Artes
Salzburg Seminar Scholarship of the Scholss Leopolskrom, Austria
Fellowship awarded by the Antorchas Foundation
Mention at the Bienal Arte Joven Buenos Aires


Her works refer to the habitat and how through the history of architecture, morphological and political processes, psychological and social imaginaries are generated. Ways of building and deconstructing geopolitically the home and the subject.
Recreating some renowned architects such as Le Corbusier, Niemeyer, Amancio Williams, Rem Koolhaas, Zaha Hadid and Lina Bo Bardi, among many others, she designs and builds utopian projects, reflecting on the new political forms of space and the body.
In the work process, she develops virtual architectural forms of the habitat of a near future where technology redefines the notion of nature.
Through 3D printed objects she represents new forms of spaces where matter is born from software, creating a new way of thinking design as technological cartography.
The models are related to a playful and analogical representation to recreate the reality of a utopian architecture in the style of the idealistic projects of Xul Solar and the Avant-gardes of the beginning of the 20th century.
The development of the body is related to an erotic and feminist reading about a new archetype of contemporary inhabitant of these new spatial metaphors, redefining the female and male roles in a more libertarian and erotic way.

Fabiana Barreda
Title: Garota Niemeyer tribute
Serie: Transmodernism
Medium: 2 overlapped photographs, Lenticular print
Date of print: 2021
Capture year: 2010
Dimensions: 21 x 21 x 4 cm
Edition: multiple
Price: US$ 600.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Garota Niemeyer tribute