OdA art gallery
OdA art gallery

OdA is located in the neighborhood of Recoleta in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Founded in 2015 by architect and photographer, Laura de San Martín, the gallery focuses on the talent of established and mid-career artists, appreciating each one’s individual language. It also encourages the production and promotion of young artists, guiding them throughout their creative process. The selection proposals are based on a strong emotional load and aesthetic value, which, either conceptual or narrative in their approach, will have an impact on the spectator.
The architectural space where the gallery is located and its concept of place of collaboration allows in turn to develop different cultural activities of the hand of curators, critics and art historians both public and private.
Since 2017, OdA promoted the programe Arte en el Origen, an experimental proposal for artists of all disciplines, hosted in Cantabria, Spain, and directed by artist Andrea Juan, for which the gallery offers two grants every year.
In 2019, with the support of Cultural Patronage of the City of Buenos Aires, Project 3.2.1 was born, promoted from the gallery, as a launch project for young artists in the first stages of their career. The objective is to support and promote their works by offering them an exhibition space, monitoring and management in the production until the opening of the exhibition.
OdA is affiliated to Meridiano, the Argentine Chamber of Contemporary Art Galleries.

Director: Laura de San Martín
Country: Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Address: Paraná 759, piso 1
Telephone: +541143714738
Email: moc.etraado@ofni

Exhibited artists

Josefina Robirosa,
Andrea Juan,
María Torcello,
Fabiana Barreda,
Andrea Alkalay,
Mónica Fierro,
Ana Vila,
Angela Copello,
Osvaldo Decastelli.

Gallery artists

Ana Vila,
Andrea Alkalay,
Fabiana Barreda,
Desiree de Ridder,
Marcela Marcuzzi,
Josefina Robirosa.


Josefina Robirosa

Investigations in blue XIII

Investigations in blue XIII

Ana Vila



Andrea Alkalay

Tribute to Frank Lloyd Wright

Tribute to Frank Lloyd Wright

Fabiana Barreda

Golden Empire

Golden Empire

Andrea Alkalay

Shadow line

Shadow line

Andrea Alkalay

Pagan wall

Pagan wall

Andrea Alkalay

Un verde

Un verde

Ana Vila

Garota Niemeyer tribute

Garota Niemeyer tribute

Fabiana Barreda