Pablo Boneu
Pablo Boneu was born in 1969 in the City of Córdoba, Argentina.
His artistic activity is heterogeneous and, although his training is self-taught, for some time he studied astronomy and film at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina.
Since the early 90's he has made numerous unconventional productions linked to photography, design and video; also generating fiction texts and numerous public art actions
If anything defines Pablo Boneu’s work it is that it seems to be the solution—by antithesis—to the statement that Merleau-Ponty used to open “Eye and Mind,” a beautiful discussion of the relationship of vision and painting . What interested Merleau-Ponty, as well as Boneu, is to explore how the world is possessed through vision. However, not in the manner of science, which gives up living in it, experiencing it, but rather in the manner of art, which fuses the world and the body into experience.
Additional information
Pablo Boneu construye los soportes de impresión valiéndose de miles de metros de hilo. Copia las imágenes, las yuxtapone y, finalmente, desgarra la urdimbre con una navaja. “Así se entrevé lo oculto, lo que creemos ver, lo que no existe”, dice.
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in