Via Margutta Arte Contemporáneo

Pablo Siquier


Born in 1961, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Education: Fine Art School at Prilidiano Pueyrredón, with Araceli Vázquez Málaga and Pablo Bobbio.

Solo Show exhibitions
Galerie Xippas, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Pablo Siquier: Bruit, Galerie Xippas. Paris, Francia.
Galería Sicardi. Houston, USA
Galeria Xippas. Ginebra, Suiza
Ruth Benzacar Galería de Arte. Bs As, Argentina
Galería Sicardi. Houston, USA
Galería Baró. São Paulo, Brasil
Galería Alejandra von Hartz. Miami, USA


Part of a generation of artists who emerged in Bs As at the end of the Argentine military dictatorship, Siquier’s work resists historical context and interpretation. His abstract black and white canvases and drawings remain silent, even as they evoke the rhythms of the city and subtly reference architectural ornament. In his work, explores the tensions between perfect and imperfect media: after years of precise schematic drawings with rulers and compasses, he uses computer to design.

Pablo Siquier
Title: Nro 0114
Medium: técnica mixta sobre tela, mixed media on canvas
Year: 2001
Dimensions: 180 x 199 cm - 70.86 x 78.34 in
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Via Margutta Arte Contemporáneo

Other galleries

Arte Fundamental
Galerie Brésil
LURIXS: Arte Contemporânea
Art Code Space
Nro 0114