Galería Fernando Pradilla

Edwin Monsalve


Edwin Monsalve (Medellín,1984) is degree in Visual Arts from the University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. He was awarded the EFG Collection/ARTNexus prize to the young Latin American artist 2017 and prize at the IV Bienal Alzate Avendaño de Bogotá, 2016. His work is represented in collections such as the Museo de Antioquia, Colombia; the Museo del Banco de la República de Bogotá, Colombia; EFG Bank, Miami.


In his work the resemblance between the real and the simulated becomes a wink to the spectator to destabilize the recognizable. Monsalve exposes the dichotomies that underlie concepts such as space, territory, landscape, environment. The use of vegetable and mineral materials such as coal and petroleum is a constant in his work in addition to raw materials such as gold, silver and copper to which the artist gives new readings and meanings beyond their industrial uses and commercial.

Edwin Monsalve
Title: Untittled ( Flag of France)
Medium: Coal, petroleum and gold foil on paper / Carbón mineral, petróleo y pan de oro sobre papel
Year: 2020
Dimensions: 152 x 101 cm
Price: US$ 5,200.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Galería Fernando Pradilla

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LURIXS: Arte Contemporânea
Casa Hoffmann
Galerie Younique
Untittled ( Flag of France)