Galería Fernando Pradilla

Rubén Rodrigo


Rubén Rodrigo (Salamanca, Spain, 1980) has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca where in 2018 he presented his exhibition La Luz y la Furia at the DA2 Domus Artium 2020. His work is in different private and public collections such as the Mondariz-Balneario Foundation, the Patrimonial Fund from the University of Salamanca and the Ibercaja-Zaragoza Foundation. As well as important collections in Spain and Latin America.


His pictorial work is influenced by the New York School's expanded color field painting, surrealist tachism, and by certain concepts of Japanese Shintoism such as chance. This controlled chance, mystery and a certain tactile quality related to lightness are present in his work.

Rubén Rodrigo
Title: Cadmium, Emerald and Geranium Lacquer / Cadmio, Esmeralda y Laca Geranio
Medium: Oíl on canvas/ Óleo sobre lienzo
Year: 2020
Dimensions: 180 x 146
Price: US$ 8,000.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Cadmium, Emerald and Geranium Lacquer / Cadmio, Esmeralda y Laca Geranio