Alex Dorfsman
Alex Dorfsman (Mexico, 1977). He has a recognized career in photography, video, drawing, and the production of artist books. In 2014, he received the Purificación García Latin American Photography Award, in Spain. He is a member of the National System of Creators FONCA since 2014. His work has been published in several books and is part of important collections such as Fundación Televisa.
Collages of photos of subtle colors that shows the aura of the objects through approaches made with the lens of the cell phone. In a place between fiction and reality, this series of images appeals to ambiguity to awaken the imagination.
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Collages of photos of subtle colors that shows the aura of the objects through approaches made with the lens of the cell phone. In a place between fiction and reality, this series of images appeals to ambiguity to awaken the imagination.