

EnFoco is made up of eight women photographers Alix Born, Carola Albe, Carolina Tumbarello, Claudia Leonelli, Fer Zannol, Isabel Benítez, Lala Bocci and Vero Campos, united by the same passion and concerns: photography and the environment. Engaging the gaze in an inquisitive, challenging and reflective record, on a journey that goes from Greenland to Antarctica. ¨Vulnerable Heritage¨ was presented at USINA del ARTE, Buenos Aires, 2019; BAphotoLIVE 2020.


We are a group of 8 women artists whose travel book is marked by an inquisitive mind. At work "Vulnerable Heritage", a tour that goes from Greenland to Antarctica, our glaciers preserve the DNA of our origins. This exhibition aims to raise awareness about the urgent need to care for our ecosystem. Under this unavoidable responsibility, we cease to belong to a culture, to a country, to become citizens of the world, a place without borders. Preserving our planet is an obligation of each and every one of us.

Title: Vulnerable Inheritance XIV
Serie: Vulnerable Inheritance, from Antarctica to Greenland
Medium: Fine art print Giclee Premium Luster. Direct digital shot
Capture year: 2019
Dimensions: 90 x 60 cm - 35 x 23,6 in
Edition: 1/5
Price: US$ 500.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Pan American Art
Galerie Younique
ArtexArte-Fundación Alfonso y Luz Castillo
Vulnerable Inheritance XIV