Blanca Berlín

Luis González Palma


Born in Guatemala in 1957, he lives and works in Cordoba, Argentina. Among his personal exhibits we can mention those displaying his personal works are: The Art Institute of Chicago (USA); The Lannan Foundation, Santa Fe (USA); The Australian Centre for Photography, Australia; Palacio de Bellas Artes, México; The Royal Festival Hall, London; Palazzo Ducale di Genova, Italia; MACRO and the Castagnino Museum, Rosario,, Telefonica Foundation and Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo in Spain.


My work has always been a reflection on the gaze. If our way of seeing is made from the social and cultural, we can conclude that all gaze is political and that all artistic production is subject to this judgment. The gaze as power. From there, I can feel that the artwork is a possibility to question our way of seeing, to interrogate the history that has produced all these graduations of the gaze and therefore, our ways of reacting to the world.

Luis González Palma
Title: ST
Medium: Fotografía teñida con betún de judea
Capture year: 2018
Dimensions: 50 x 55 cm
Edition: 5
Price: US$ 5,500.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Blanca Berlín

Other galleries

532 Gallery Thomas Jaeckel
Salar Galería de Arte
Latin American Masters
Galeria Patricia Costa
Maman Fine Art