ArtNexus/Arte en Colombia

Miler Lagos


Miler Lagos (b.1973, Colombia) His work with paper distinguishes him, for the value he gives back to the material, confronting us on occasions with its original form and on others with the beauty of the material itself.

More information here:

Miler Lagos
Title: Circle of the Times
Serie: Series Arte en Colombia
Medium: Collage
Year: 2019
Dimensions: 35.4 x 35.4 in
Unique edition: Unique Edition
Price: US$ 4,000.00

Additional information

Each piece is unique made with Arte en Colombia/ArtNexus covers

Other works of ArtNexus/Arte en Colombia

Other galleries

Blanca Berlín
The Blink Project
Artnouveau Gallery
Aina Nowack /AAC Galería de Arte
Art Code Space
Circle of the Times