ArtNexus/Arte en Colombia

Antonio Caro


Antonio Caro (born 1950, Bogotá, Colombia) is a contemporary artist known for using iconic conceptualizations and images that often make political comments about his country of origin. Since 1970, Caro has built a career that, according to the categorizations of history and criticism, denotes an authentic example of conceptual art in Colombia. Caro's art can be classified as politically charged pop art. In 1998, Caro was awarded the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship.


Corn was a fundamental element in the nutrition and economy of pre-Hispanic communities in Colombia and the rest of America. Caro has printed and drawn this plant numerous times, highlighting its symbolic character in this image.

Antonio Caro
Title: Mata de maíz
Year: 1981
Dimensions: 31.4 x 26.6 in
Edition: Edition of 100
Price: US$ 4,000.00

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Signed and numbered

Other works of ArtNexus/Arte en Colombia

Other galleries

Luiz Caribé Art Gallery
Unit24 Gallery
Aina Nowack /AAC Galería de Arte
Multiplo Espaço Arte
Galería Fernando Pradilla
Mata de maíz