
Lelo Freixas


(1975, Buenos Aires). His childhood was spent in the countryside, in the town of Las Flores, Province of Buenos Aires.
There his passion for nature was born. Although he studied decoration at the Women's Council, from a very young age he devoted himself to the world of textile design. He created clothes for various brands, which allowed him to start playing with different color palettes.
Guided by this encouragement, in 2013 she began to venture into the field of art with the visual artists Rosario Briones and Marisa Insúa. He is currently part of Laura Varangot's workshop.


Magic Funds. Inspired by leaves, flowers and seeds that only exist in the imagination. Exuberance, abundance and movement are the hallmarks of this artist who does not deny optimism, even in times of confinement. This series, titled Fondos Mágicos, refers us to a real plenitude in unreal gardens, although that may be a trap. Who talks about symmetries in a jungle or a forest? Bigger seeds than unnamed flowers? Funds that fuse twilight with cobalt blue midday? The answer is yes because freedom is not measured. It is incredibly infinite.

Lelo Freixas
Title: Grisa
Serie: Fondos mágicos
Medium: Acrílico
Year: 2020
Dimensions: 160 x 140 cm
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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