Marcela Marcuzzi
Marcela Marcuzzi was born in Salta, Argentina in 1970. She holds a Bachelor in Fine Arts from St. Ana Institute, Buenos Aires. She received her certificated studies in Preservation and Restoration of Museums in the Dirección General de Museos de Buenos Aires. In 2007, she pursued graduate studies in Fiber Arts, Drawing, and Painting at Florida International University; in 2013, 3D Design at Miami Dade College. Marcuzzi has exhibited in several group shows and galleries in Buenos Aires and Miami, as well as an exhibit at New York’s Consulate General of Argentina (the collective exhibition “From the Interior”). She was selected for the exhibition “Neither Civilization, nor Barbarism” in Pinta Miami Art Fair in 2017. She exhibited at Ideobox Gallery with “Women Weavers,” in Wynwood, Miami in 2018, and was a part of the group exhibit, “America Weaves,” at the Coral Gables Museum in 2019, curated by Aluna Art Foundation. In 2021 she exhibited at the group shows “Reawaken” at Coral Springs Museum of Art and “Book Bound, the art of printmaking” at Art and Culture Center, Hollywood, 2022.
She currently lives in Miami, Florida, and works at The Collective 62.
What would it feel like to take one’s own journey through Mount Purgatory – without Dante and Virgil? How would this mountain with seven cornices in the middle of the ocean look? Would there be otherworldly colors? Would it be an encounter with Nature, free of civilization? These are the kinds of questions I explore in my 21st-century intervention of Gustave Doré’s master illustrations (19th century) of Dante’s Divine Comedy (14th century).
Through appropriation and reinterpretation, using both analog and digital processes, the primary focus of each illustration shifts away from narrative and onto setting, underscoring the atemporal state of this imaginative geography.

2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in