Galeria Berenice Arvani

Mira Schendel


Mira Schendel (1919-1988), painter, draughtswoman. She worked with graphic design, executed paintings, ceramic sculpture and restored baroque images. Her participation in the 1st Bienal Internacional de São Paulo, in 1951, put her in contact with international experiments and introduced her to the national art world. After her death, many exhibitions presented her work both within and outside Brazil and in 1994, the 22nd São Paulo International Bienal devoted a special salon to her.

Mira Schendel
Title: Untitled
Medium: Ink on craft paper
Year: 1965
Dimensions: 61x48 cm.
Price: US$ 35,000.00

Additional information

- Participated in the exhibition "Mira Schendel: Sarrafos e Pretos e Brancos", Galeria Bergamin & Gomide, May 22 - June 23, 2018.

Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Galeria Berenice Arvani

Other galleries

Via Margutta Arte Contemporáneo
The CAMP Gallery
Salar Galería de Arte
Cecilia Caballero Arte Contemporáneo