Z42 Arte

Maria Lucia Fontainha


Maria Lucia was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, where she lives and works. Her interest in visual arts began in the mid 90's when she participated in some exhibitions. After a few years she moved to the publishing area, returning in 2014 to the fine arts. Since then, she dedicated her time to researching and executing her works through painting, installations, drawings and sculptures.


Her work has as its theme the feminine universe, even when between the lines, with all its grandeur and pain, but also with its power and intensity, usually evidenced by strong colors, shade and light, and forceful movements.

Maria Lucia Fontainha
Title: Tríptico s/título / Triptych (No titled)
Medium: Acrílica s/ tela
Dimensions: 45 x 65 cm - 17.72 x 25.59 in
Price: US$ 1,590.00

Additional information

In these works I represent our shadows at the same time showing how much life and vibration we have in the same moment. It is about the interaction of the light side with the dark side, in a subtle and poetic way.

Other works of Z42 Arte

Other galleries

Art Code Space
Galeria Caribé
Galerie Younique
Aina Nowack /AAC Galería de Arte
LURIXS: Arte Contemporânea
Tríptico s/título / Triptych (No titled)