Unit24 Gallery

Iwo Zaniewski


Born in Poland in 1956, his childhood was marked by the friendship with a Brazilian boy with who he spent the afternoons watching at the covers of the carnival records of Rio de Janeiro. He also listened to the stories of a large button factory in Brasilia. These images, added to those of his stage mother’s studio, came to the canvas fluently when he settled in Mexico and adopted the nationality. He is also a photographer and film director.


In the Poland of my childhood, television and magazines were in black and white, even the plasticine had sad colors. In the visits with my mother to the theatrical tailor's studios, I somehow connected them in my head with Brazilian images, resulting in the essence of colorful exoticism. When, after many years, my compositional skills allowed me to handle more colors in a more controlled way, I started to create paintings with Brazilian tailors.

Iwo Zaniewski
Title: Seamstresses and Sea View / Costureras con vista al mar
Medium: óleo sobre tela / oil on canvas
Year: 2004
Dimensions: 65 x 81 cm - 25 x 32 in
Price: US$ 11,000.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Seamstresses and Sea View / Costureras con vista al mar