SASHA D gallery of art

Miguel Davila


Originally from the city of La Rioja -Argentina- He began his academic training at the Superior Institute of Plastic Arts of the National University of Tucumán 1948-1952 under the direction of teachers L. Spilimbergo, P. Audivert and L. Szalay. In 1961 he obtained a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts in the painting specialization to do it in Paris. In 1964 he obtained the Manuel Belgrano Municipal Hall award and in 1981 he obtained the Grand Prize of Honor from the National Painting Hall. Oriundo de la ciudad de La Rioja -Argentina-


In this exhibition we will take a tour through the years 1989 to 2004 of the work of Miguel Dávila, where the source of inspiration is linked to the walls of the city of Buenos Aires, for several months he toured the city photographing and then recreating the interior worlds and exteriors of the city of Buenos Aires where a melting pot of cultures coexist with different thoughts and experiences, where the edges of the different social classes touch almost inadvertently

Miguel Davila
Title: Characters
Medium: Acrylic on wood / Acrilico sobre madera
Year: 2003
Dimensions: 50x50 cm 19,68 x19,68i n
Price: US$ 3,000.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of SASHA D gallery of art

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