Proyecto Visible

Yucef Merhi


Merhi is an artist, coder, and researcher and a pioneer of Digital Art. Since 1985, Merhi has produced a body of works that engage with poetry, facial recognition, AI, VR, and retro video game platforms, towards the formulation of dynamic linguistic experiences. His work is in numerous museum and private collections, among them the Orange County Museum of Art (USA), Library of Congress (USA), Museo Extremeño de Arte Contemporáneo (Spain), and Galería de Arte Nacional (Venezuela).


Merhi has been exploring the interconnections between language and technology, creating interactive environments, computer based works and digital applications, while proposing various ways to experience natural language and code. The comprehension of this duet led me to develop methods and machines in order to address social, political, and philosophical issues. Most of this content has been comprised in poetic constructions.

Yucef Merhi
Title: Soulless Security 5
Medium: Intercepted data printed on paper, aluminum
Year: 2017
Dimensions: 100 x 100 cm - 39 x 39 in
Price: US$ 10,000.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Proyecto Visible

Other galleries

Cecilia Caballero Arte Contemporáneo
Nora Fisch
Nohra Haime Gallery
Soulless Security 5