Martin REYNA
Born in 1964 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Lives and works in Paris, France and Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Some of his Personal Exhibitions (selection)
2023 Atlántico, Museo del agua, Buenos Aires
2022 Fluides, Galería Bessières, Paris
2022 El color en transito, Galería Del Infinito, Buenos Aires
2021 Matiére et Temporalité AppArtT Paris
2018 La bibliothèque, Biblioteca Henri Ey, Hôpital Sainte-Anne, Paris
The work of Martín Reyna is developed from a landscape perspective, but a way of understanding the landscape from the pictorial plane in a co-writing between the artist, the color and the water, or rather it is the water that directs the form and the color that take over the territory of the paper almost to the point of making the artist disappear, far from the idea of absolute control of the painter in front of a blank sheet of paper. Large paintings that are installations on paper, labyrinthine forms that knot and unravel under the dominion of water. The color takes over the mountainous and humid space and will open a path that must be traveled slowly and thus become part of the interpretation.

2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in