Alicia Nakatsuka
Alicia Nakatsuka is a painter and educator based in Rosario, Argentina. She holds a degree in Fine Arts and is a professor at the National University of Rosario, where she continues to be actively involved. She participates in training programs, art exhibitions, and shows. Alicia has attended workshops with Daniel García and Verónica Gómez. She has received training grants from the Province of Santa Fe (Espacio Santafesino, 2017), the Municipality of Rosario (Juntos, 2016), and the National University of Rosario (AVE student grant, U.G. Mexico, 2014). Currently, she is a recipient of the Creation Grant from the National Arts Fund (2021).
Alicia has participated in numerous national art exhibitions, earning the Santa Fe Artist Award at the Vicentín Painting Salon (2018). Her artworks are featured in various private collections.
"I am interested in the landscape as a possibility to imagine other geographies. My works arise from the nostalgia for lost paradises, and in their artifice, they are an ambitious attempt to make them present, like an impossible romance to materialize.
My painting draws from a wide variety of representations of nature: botanical illustrations, my own photographs, and images I collect to assemble them in overflowing compositions. Through overlay, montage, and addition, I create tight yet controlled scenarios where the attraction generated by the treatment of surfaces and the impenetrability of the created space come into tension.
Beauty grows oppressively and exuberantly, closing the way in its deployment of splendid monstrosity. Everything is both visible and hidden at the same time."

2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in