Espacio Líquido

Marina Nuñez


The narrative of the latest works by Marina Núñez (Palencia, Spain, 1966) in different mediums (digital video, video installation, painting or sculpture) emphasizes the organic condition of human beings and their fragility; that their skins and bodies belong to the context in their materiality. That nature is not "the Other" but "the Same".
Marina Núñez's work is part of relevant collections such as those of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, MUSAC in León, Corcoran Gallery of Art or The Katzen Art's Center, both in Washington D. C., FRAC Corsica in Corte, France or Cairo Museum. She has had solo exhibitions in prestigious museums such as Centro de Arte Reina Sofía and other majors contemporary art museums in Spain. Recently, in 2021, at Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, as well as in galleries in Europe, Latin America and the United States.


With her recent plastic work, Marina Núñez (Palencia, 1966) invites us to reflect on how the increasingly common interferences between the human and the technological affect our subjectivity and our lives. A constant in his work has always been the representation of aberrant, different beings, those that exist outside or against the canon. The anomalous bodies that populate his paintings, infographics or videos speak to us of a metamorphic, hybrid, multiple identity. It recreates a destabilized and impure subjectivity for which otherness is not something foreign, but rather basically constitutes the human being.
Thus, his hysterical women, jellyfish, mummies, monsters or cyborgs, despite belonging to the territory of the excluded, do not seem distant to us but rather affect and identify us. And their images are perceived as slightly deformed mirrors that suggest that madness or monstrosity is simply a matter of degree.

Marina Nuñez
Title: "Historia Natural, 5"
Serie: Historia Natural
Medium: Cristal tallado con láser y base de luz LED.
Year: 2023
Dimensions: 20 x 10 x 10 cm
Edition: Edición de 3 ejemplares

Additional information

Puede que sea su tema recurrente, admite Núñez, pero ahora lo tiene más claro que nunca: “Vengo hablando del ser humano con su entorno desde los 90. Apostar por un ser humano que en vez de establecer una frontera tan nítida frente a todo lo que no es él mismo, incluyendo la naturaleza, es apostar por un ser humano que se sienta más conectado con ella y que sea más empático ante la otredad, incluida la naturaleza. Ese ser humano podría no tener ese parapeto y extenderse la naturaleza en él”. MARINA NUÑEZ

Other works of Espacio Líquido

Other galleries

Llamazares Galería
Pan American Art Projects
Instituto Cultural de México en Miami
Proyecto Visible
Crudo Arte Contemporáneo
"Historia Natural, 5"