Espacio Líquido

Samuel Sowatey


Born in 1997 in La Acra , Ghana. Samuel Sowatey is an artista who has developed his traycetory from references to his life and the African culture of Ghana.
Samuel has exhibited his work in númerous art fairs like One off NTF international, ART Tapei, Pinta Miami. Miami or MAY Fair. His work
Since her show in Omanye House Gallery at 2019 he has exhibitions in galleries around the Word like in London, Los Angeles, New York, LIthuania, Ecuadro or Spain among others.
Most often, paintings are executed using acrylic and oil paint, with distinct textures added using wooden brushes
The artist combines the tendencies of expressionist and abstractionist movements. The content of the paintings is greatly influenced by the artist's difficult childhood and family history, which ha have led to a desire to portray women and children in optimistic circumstances.
His work is part of collections in Africa, Latin America, and Spain, mainly such as: Alberto and Ginette Rebaza Collection. Peru. Miami, Kasiulis Museum, DPM Collection. Ecuador, Pro Arte Foundation. Ecuador, Candela Álvarez Collection. Spain or the Lenoir Art Collection, among others.


Samuel Sowatey (1997, La Acra Ghana), has developed his painting from references to his life and the African culture of Ghana. He does this by highlighting elements of his daily life such as the vividness of the colors that surround him in his hometown and the palm trees that populate the area, used as a brush in the works. The tradition and textures of its land accompany powerful portraits whose strength is concentrated in the position of its characters, who challenge us with an indifferent and haughty gaze.
Also enhanced by the flat colors of the background, which project the figure and give greater weight to the identity of the sitter. Their gaze, the position of the body and the contained movements add strength to these ideas that celebrate the African identity from every perspective. It also joins the rise of current African painting with references such as Amoako Boafo, Moufouli Bello or Tonia Nneji among many others.

Samuel Sowatey
Title: Gentle look
Medium: Óleo sobre lienzo
Year: 2023
Dimensions: 98 x 74 cm
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Espacio Líquido

Other galleries

El Museo
Moria Galería
MAP - Montenegro Art Projects
LnS Gallery
Instituto Cultural de México en Miami
Gentle look