Appart Paris

Eduardo Cardozo


Born in Montevideo in 1965. He studies at the National School of Fine Arts, Taller Ernesto Arostegui. He studied four years at the Faculty of Architecture. He studies engraving with Luis Camnitzer (Italy).
He participates twice in the Mercosur Biennial (Brazil), in the Cuenca Biennial (Ecuador), Do out Do Pompeya Biennial (Italy), carries out urban intervention projects together with Tato Peirano and several videos (with some of them they obtained the first award at the La Pedrera short film festival). Among other distinctions, he twice received the National Salon, the Municipal Salon, the Paul Cézanne Prize, and the Bicentennial painting salon. He holds individual exhibitions in Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, the United States, Germany and France.
He gives workshops and seminars, among them the seminar held at the Iturria Foundation stands out. In his workshop he receives art students and artists supervising their work. He made illustrations in the Semanario Brecha, El País Cultural, Acción (Argentina)
Lives in Montevideo


Appart Paris presents the work of Eduardo CARDOZO that reflects on the theme of « time » that never ceases to attract men, since in it the mystery of the meaning of the human being, of becoming, is reflected.
Through these still lifes it is about feeling and experiencing the network of divergent times that builds the idea of ​​the «Between», that unthinkable realm, that fleeting moment, that part of time that is ephemerally eternal.
From the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, the "between" designates the abysmal Medium of the original intimacy of Being itself, in which it is removed and cleared.
In this unpublished series of oil paintings by Eduardo Cardozo, each of the pieces speaks about the moment where the action stops (the "between") in a key moment in the realm of the unthinkable. That plot of time that is immobilized and then encompasses all possibilities.

Eduardo Cardozo
Title: America
Serie: Still life
Medium: Oleo sobre tela
Year: 2023
Dimensions: 120 x 160 cm
Price: US$ 20,000.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Appart Paris

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