Proyecto Visible
Proyecto Visible

Proyecto Visible is an art projects agency operating within the interstices of the art system. Its main goal is to promote the work of contemporary artists that deserve more visibility and to show their work in the most appropriate conditions.

Director: Anilu Gómez
Country: USA
City: Miami, Florida 33133, USA
Telephone: +13055621597
Email: moc.liamg@etraelbisivotceyorp

Exhibited artists

Amor Muñoz (solo),
Carlos Rojas,
Carlos Contramaestre,
Oscar Pabón,
Danilo Dueñas,
Jorge Pedro Nuñez,
Carlos Martiel,
Elsa Gramcko,
Ilich Castillo,
Yaima Carrazana,
Suwon Lee, entre otros.

Gallery artists

Ilich Castillo,
Yaima Carrazana,
Suwon Lee