

Alix Born, Carola Albe, Carolina Tumbarello, Claudia Leonelli, Fer Zannol, Isabel Benítez, Lala Bocci y Vero Campos.

We are a group of artists whose travel book is marked by inquiry, pushing the limits of everyday life to communicate themes inherent to the human being. The lens challenges us and invites us to record stories that go unnoticed by the casual eye. Our sensitivity in front of the camera and the many paths traveled together, lead us to give visibility to issues that would otherwise go unnoticed.

2021 FOLA Latin American Photo Library. Buenos Aires, Argentina ; 2021 BAphoto. Photography fair. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020 BAphoto Live 2020; 2020 SCOPE IMMERSIVE Miami beach; 2019 Vulnerable Inheritance. Usina Del Arte. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

​EnFoco is made up of:
Carola Albe
Isabel Benítez
Lala Bocci
Alix Born
Verónica Campos
Claudia Leonelli
Carolina Tumbarello
Fernanda Zannol

Title: Within the Times of Sand II
Serie: Serie Within the Times of Sand II
Medium: Photography
Date of print: 2021
Capture year: 2019
Dimensions: 67 cm x 118 cm
Edition: 1/10
Price: US$ 1,500.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Within the Times of Sand II