Dot Fiftyone Gallery

Celina Jure


Celina Jure (b. 1963, Jujuy, Argentina) has developed both a rooted and cosmpolitan artistic pofile. She traveled to Europe and studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts, in Nîmes, France in 1986. She returns to Buenos Aires and finishes her studies at Escuela Prilidiano Pueyrredón (1983-1990). She settled in The Netherlands, then she moves to Germany. From 1992 to 1997 she studied at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany, with Gotthard Graubner (1992-1996). In 2014, together with Martin Mele she built laboca783, an artist ́s studio which functions also as acultural space. She has participated in many solo and group exhibitions all over the world, in Argentina, Bolivia, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Japan, and Korea, among others.


Celina Jure´s work takes multiple forms (installations, performance, sculptures and paintings) with the exhibition as a pretext for deploying not mere pieces of art, but a complete way of living. Her practice skits from one medium to the other, transitioning effortlessly from the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional worlds. She is known for her large-scale paintings on paper. Predominantly abstract and beside their apparent spontaneity, they result in scenic environments. They underline and produce a vivid space for quiet and conjetural contemplation, in which the spectator is introduced as a kind of intruder. In the same direction, her sculptures in handcrafted ceramic explore the link between bodies and space, and between chaos and equilibrium, evoking a sense of both imminence and uncertainty.

Celina Jure
Title: Tongo Series Dusseldorf
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Year: 2015
Dimensions: 200 x 180 cm
Price: US$ 10,000.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Tongo Series Dusseldorf