Andrés Denegri


Andrés Denegri (Buenos Aires, 1975) is a visual artist working mainly on film, video, installations and photography. He graduated at the Universidad del Cine, Buenos Aires. Among his awards stands out the Grand Prix from the National Salon Visual Arts (Buenos Aires, 2015). He is also co-director of the Imagen en Movimiento Biennale (BIM) and guest film and video curator for the Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art. He has completed artist residences in Colombia, Serbia, Canada and the USA.


Andrés Denegri approaches the visual arts combining film, video, installations and photography. His projects generate dialogues between different formats, addressing them poetically and conceptually, creating tension in the classic uses of audiovisual technologies. Vintage film projectors are the protagonists of many of Denegri’s installations: from portable family devices to powerful industrial machines are combined in the production of kinetic objects where celluloid leaves the projector and travels through the space transited by the viewer.

Andrés Denegri
Title: Mecanismos del Olvido
Serie: Mecanismos del Olvido (Mechanisms of Oblivion)
Medium: Proyector de cine de 16mm intervenido, película de 16mm (16mm film projector intervened, 16mm film)
Year: 2017
Price: US$ 15,000.00

Additional information

La mecánica de un proyector de cine fue intervenida para que destruya el film que reproduce. Se trata de la primera filmación realizada en Argentina (La bandera argentina, Eugenio Py, 1897). La máquina de memoria es así transformada en un dispositivo del olvido.
The mechanics of a movie projector was intervened by the artist to destroy the film that reproduces. It's about the first film made in Argentina (the Argentine flag video record by Eugenio Py in 1897). The memory's machine is by this way transformed into an oblivion device.

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Espacio O Plataforma de Arte Contemporáneo
Unit24 Gallery
Diana Saravia Gallery
Mecanismos del Olvido