Maman Fine Art

Vik Muniz


Vik Muniz was born in São Paulo, Brazil in 1961. After studying advertising he moved to Brooklyn with his family in 1983. In the mid-1990s, Muniz incorporated unusual and everyday materials into his photographic process. In 1998, he participated in the 24th Biennale in São Paulo, and in 2001, he represented Brazil at the 49th Biennale in Venice. He has exhibited at MoMA in New York, and the Tate Modern, among many other prestigious institutions.


Photographer and mixed media artist Vik Muniz is best known for repurposing everyday materials for intricate and layered recreations of canonical artwork. Muniz works in a variety of mediums, from trash to peanut butter and jelly. Stratified appropriation is a constant theme in Muniz's work.

Vik Muniz
Title: Pastorales Tahitienses después de Paul Gaugin
Medium: Chromogenic print
Date of print: 2005
Dimensions: 180 x 231 cm
Edition: EA 1/4
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Maman Fine Art

Other galleries

Coates and Scarry
Nohra Haime Gallery
Cerquone Projects
Galeria Monumental
Pastorales Tahitienses después de Paul Gaugin