
Silvio Fischbein


Argentinean,1949, visual artist and filmmaker; he lives and works in Buenos Aires. He graduated from the Buenos Aires University (UBA) as an architect in 1974 and as an urban planner in 1980. He is Consultant Professor of the Buenos Aires University.
In the visual arts, he made, since 1965, Among other distinctions, he won the George Meliès Prize from the Government of France in 1984 and twice received the Pollock - Krasner Foundation Grant, 2015 and 2018.


Only we - viewers, active visitors - are capable of opening readings. There, in that infinite polysemy, lies the richness of Silvio Fischbein's work.
Fischbein's work in the visual arts is permanent and unstoppable. That its production can be thought of in parallel series is not a posteriori category. It is the way it has been built during these 55 years of history. Simultaneously and, fundamentally, from the actions of its author; working every day.

Silvio Fischbein
Title: Sin título de la serie "todos, IGUAL" 1
Serie: Todos Igual
Medium: Paper on expanded polystyrene with epoxy resin.
Year: 2017
Dimensions: 80 x 80 cm - 31.5 x 31.5 in
Price: US$ 2,500.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Imaginario

Other galleries

Casa Hoffmann
The CAMP Gallery
Latin Art Core
Arte Fundamental
ArtNexus/Arte en Colombia
Sin título de la serie "todos, IGUAL" 1