Galeria Forum

Roy Keitel


Roy Keitel was born in Lima in 1973
An economist by profession, he dedicated himself to painting after participating in drawing and painting workshops in Peru, finishing his training at Zeihler Studio, Atelier Project and the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
Lives and works in Lima


In a time where most artists explore art from alternative discourses and materials, Keitel's work is characterized by being pictorial, defined by an expressive brushstroke with which he approaches the human figure.
The human being is the constant paradigm in which Keitel develops his artistic inquiries. Characteristics of his work are large formats and the expressive use of the human form.

Roy Keitel
Title: Vestigios 8
Medium: Oleo sobre tela
Year: 2019
Dimensions: 210 x 160 cm - 82.67 x 62.99 in
Price: US$ 6,500.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Vestigios 8