Paula Cecchi


Painter and draftswoman. Studied under Guillemo Roux and Tulio de Sagastizabal. Since the beginning, her work has been marked by memory and a constant search to trace a relationship between art history, people's history and her own history, in her paintings or drawings. She thinks of her work as an attempt to deciphre and translate her own restlessness about life, people and the universe.


Painting has accompanied me in every cycle of my life. I paint women and their textures, my children, vacations and landscapes that move me. A constant that appears in my work is the relationship between fiction and reality. In my first series it was a dialogue between the graphic and the real. Then, more and more, between what is and what is disappearing, generating an open meaning, which allows viewers to appropriate it, get excited and reinterpret it based on their own experiences.

Paula Cecchi
Title: El pez dorado
Medium: Oleo y cera sobre tela
Year: 2008
Dimensions: 180 x 180 cm
Price: US$ 5,000.00

Additional information

Díptico- tela superior 120 x 180 cm tela inferior 60 x 180 cm

Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in


Other galleries

Galería Fernando Pradilla
The CAMP Gallery
Luz Verde
Coates and Scarry
El pez dorado