Elisa O´Farrell


She graduated from Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA) where she also serves as professor.
In 2010 she created Parador Editions and since then she exhibited in galleries, cultural spaces and museums around Argentina.
Elisa received not only scholarships from the Cultural Ministry, but also drawing (Fundación Williams), etching (Jóvenes grabadores, Salón Nacional), and different awards such as Fundación Andreani, Fundación Telefónica and Fundación Klemm.

Elisa O´Farrell
Title: Moreno 11 de noviembre 2018
Serie: Un Desastre Manifiesto
Date of print: 2019
Year: 2019
Dimensions: 25 x 29 cm - 9.84 x 11.40 in
Edition: /7
Price: US$ 220.00

Additional information

More images from this serie available by request

Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of ATOCHA

Other galleries

Latin American Masters
LURIXS: Arte Contemporânea
Coates and Scarry
Galeria Forum
Moreno 11 de noviembre 2018