Rafael Rangel Serrano at the Marriott Hotel

Pinta Miami has partnered with the JW Marriott Miami Hotel to showcase a Pop-Up featuring the artist Rafael Rangel Serrano.
The Official hotel has set up an exclusive exhibition in its lobby, showcasing a curated selection of artworks and sculptures by the renowned artist Rafael Rangel Serrano.
The exhibition, curated by Irene Gelfman, Pinta's global curator, was installed on December 2nd and remains on display until December 20th, 2024.
Rafael Rangel Serrano (b.1978 New York, NY) Received his BFA at Pratt
Institute where he graduated with honors in 2001. Soon after he started working with Matthew Barney to later move to Cacacas, Venezuela in 2004. Rangel Serrano taught sculpture at the school of arts at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) before moving back to the US in 2014.
Recent solo exhibitions include, Unutility, Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Vzla., Galería La Cuadra (Espacio Monitor), Caracas, Vzla and Fundación
Artempo-ARS Caracas, Vzla. Recent group exhibitions include, Essential Reduction, Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE. Express, Galería Beatriz Gil, Caracas, Vzla., Walk the line, Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, DE., Untitled, La pecera, Punta del Este, Uruguay, Diálogos entre sentidos, Museo del Canal Interoceánico de Panamá, Panamá City., New Works, Mana Contemporary, Newark, NJ, For Now, Coral Gables Museum, Miami, FL.Rangel Serrano currently lives and works in Miami, FL.