Indira Urrutia Zúñiga


 Indira Urrutia is a Chilean-born interdisciplinary artist of international projection with a very personal style defined by organic elements combined in a perfect harmony that prints beautiful emotions in her work, allowing to experience different sensations and movements while watching. Her work has been exhibited internationally in group and individual presentations, including The de Young Museum, Root Division, Mission Cultural Center, San Francisco Symphony, San Francisco USA; National Council of Culture and the Arts, Pablo Neruda House Museum, Chile; Invited to the VII Biennial of Art and Design, Spain; Fontecchio International Airport Gallery, Italy.


Weaving is an organic, metaphorical exercise and a meditation on the nature of life. We are all bound together, interwoven, and interconnected in ways that we overlook in our everyday lives. I see my work as an embodiment of this principle.
My process begins by creating a unique cell, combined in natural and regenerative ways, using readily-available bare materials that I then blend through an organic, meditative, intensive, and lengthy process oriented to shapes and details.
A process that awakens in me a vindication of the human condition in an era of mass production and machine manufacturing. I reclaim the human and social value inherent in “tejer”; to weave the past into the present and toward a future that honors the magic and beauty of interconnectedness.

Indira Urrutia Zúñiga
Title: Contemporary Quilt
Serie: Social Weaving
Medium: - Hand wire weaving - bronze, copper, copper plater silver.
Year: 2020
Dimensions: - 97" X 54"

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La Pecera
Instituto Cultural de México en Miami
Artmedia Gallery
Contemporary Quilt