El Museo

Adriana Duque


Adriana Duque (Manizales, Colombia, 1968) studied Plastic Arts at the University of Caldas and later specialized in digital photography in Barcelona. Duque's work has been recognized nationally and internationally with important awards such as the winner of the II Colombo-Swiss Photography Award in 2006 and First Prize in the Regional Salon of Artists in 2002. His work has been part of important exhibitions such as "Baroque Children" in Bogotá Photographic 2009, Fotología 5 in 2007, the IV Biennial of the Caribbean in 2001 and the VI Biennial of Bogotá in 2000, among others. Her works are part of important national and international collections.


Adriana Duque explores realities that are staged, and wander between gloom, the intimate, silence and the mysterious, which manages to suspend time and penetrate an intermediate state between sleep and wakefulness, between reality and fiction. Her photographic work is closer to the pictorial realm than to the photographic one. The union between her own inspiration influenced by Renaissance, Baroque and Flemish painting results in scenes in which the stereotype, the archetype and the icon are the main axis of a world in which realism and fantasy converge. The childlike figure in Duque's photography is invested with an intrinsic adulthood and an air of superiority that confronts the viewer's cultural and historical stereotypes to the point of intimidation.

Adriana Duque
Title: Princesa 1
Medium: Inkjet print sobre papel satinado
Date of print: 2018
Capture year: 2018
Dimensions: 162 x 150 cm
Edition: PA 1/2
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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Fundación Pablo Atchugarry
HARTvest Project
Plataforma ArtBase
Princesa 1