The White Lodge
The White Lodge

The White Lodge is an art gallery dedicated to the exhibition, marketing and positioning of artists and projects linked to the visual arts of Latin American origin. The focus is on strengthening the relationship between works of art and their audience, transforming the usual white cube into a habitable space that facilitates access to new ideas and new audiences. The gallery's motto is to help its clients experience art as a transformative experience, providing them with great aesthetic value and therefore contributing to their well-being through their environment.

Director: Georgina Valdez Cristofani
Country: Argentina
City: Ciudad de Buenos Aires,Córdoba Capital
Address: Lavalle 1447 4to 10. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Telephone: + 54 911 60520022
Email: tra.egdoletihweht@aloh

Exhibited artists

Nushi Muntaabski
Sandro Pereira.

Gallery artists

Sandro Pereira
Rosa Mercedes Gonzáles
Pablo Peisino
Nushi Muntaabski
Manuel Coll
Santiago Andrés Viale
Jacinto Muñoz
Gerardo Oberto
Ana Alegría
Tadeo Muleiro
Carlos Manuel Crespo