Salón Comunal

Edelmira Boller


Colombian artist born in Bogotá in 1936, known for geometric abstraction and the use of industrial waste in sculpture. Boller was trained in the seventies at the David Manzur School in Bogotá, Colombia.
In 1979, she held his first solo exhibition at the Belarca Gallery, from then on she was inserted in the professional art circuit, participated with recognition in several National Artists' Salons and in Regional Salons.
Edelmira Boller has been influenced by the local sculptural tradition embodied in male figures such as Eduardo Ramírez Villamizar and Edgar Negret, whose geometric configuration she preserves.


Her artistic work has been characterized by the use of scrap metal to create contemplative and utilitarian sculptures (furniture), she is an assiduous draughtsman and eventually resorts to painting.

Edelmira Boller
Title: Panal hecho a base de geometría
Medium: desecho industrial soldado
Year: 1988
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Panal hecho a base de geometría