Instituto Cultural de México en Miami

Monica Avayou


Monica Avayou was born in Mexico in 1979. Her career as a textile artist has been
characterized by exploring various techniques and themes, such as embroidery and
weaving, allowing her to create large-scale and complex works.
In 2018, she emigrated to the United States, where her artistic work began to stand
out significantly, establishing herself as a full-time artist.
One of the most distinctive aspects of her work is the innovative use of recycled
plastic bags wrapped in fiber, a technique that has elevated her art to an artistic level
and has become her personal hallmark. This combination of contrasting materials
reflects her concern for the environment and her interest in reusing everyday objects.
Monica Avayou has also ventured into relational art, collaborating with communities
in Mexico on artistic-environmental projects that have enriched her artistic
perspective and allowed her to explore themes such as identity, sustainability, and
the relationship between humans and their environment.
In addition to her commitment to environmental art, Avayou uses her work to reflect
themes related to the female experience, the struggle for equality, and the
reconstruction of emotional and physical wounds.


For Mónica Avayou, the process of creation is the fulfillment of an instinctive need to express herself, through a sensual perception of the world that is embodied in her unique fabrics.
From the twisting of the material in an exhaustive struggle to find its shape, the curves become visible and, in complicity with the folds they create, they hide and blur what is still to be discovered in a female body. In this way, Monica accompanies matter that expands beyond its limits, helping it to emerge from anonymity.
The love inherited from her mother for fibers and yarn has led her to intervene in any kind of matter, diverting its destiny. They never end up being what they "should be".

Monica Avayou
Title: NAGUR
Medium: Natural dye fabric, recycled plastic bags
Year: 2024
Dimensions: 12.7 x 116.84 cm
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