Curator Giuliana Vidarte

Under the curatorship of Giuliana Vidarte, the NEXT section proposes the visualization of emerging galleries with relevance within the contemporary scene of their regions.

Again this year, the NEXT award will be given to the best exhibition proposal of the section with a prize of USD 2500 to be selected by a prestigious jury. ->more info

In the 2023 edition of PINTA Miami, NEXT brings together a selection of ten South American galleries organized in exchange and collaboration pairs. Within the five stands, which are part of the section, the proposals of eighteen creators from Latin America are presented. In this edition, the galleries from Lima, Buenos Aires, Guayaquil, Cordoba, Rosario, Valparaiso and Bogota promote projects that are developed as places of encounter, experimentation and training, and that seek to contribute to the decentralization of artistic practices in their contexts, by hosting proposals that unfold from the diversity of ecosystems that are part of the shared territories in Latin America. 

The desert and coastal strips, the Amazon forest, the Andes and urban environments are spaces from where artists recognize communities and shared problems to establish reflections on the conditions of the present and the possible new configurations of future scenarios. Personal histories and collective memories converge in common means of creation, expression and expansion that confront historical times and propose fluid identities. The landscapes of virtuality, the imaginaries of mythology and ancestral visuality, the particularities of the bodies and beings that coexist in these ecosystems are reviewed according to the interrelationships between different vital environments and the contradictions and conflicts of contemporary societies.

Once again this year, the NEXT prize was awarded to the best exhibition proposal of the section with a prize of USD 2500 to be selected by a prestigious jury.

Winner: Bloc Art. Lima, Perú + Crudo Arte Contemporáneo. Rosario, Argentina. 

Jury: Laura Hakel (Curator of the Ama Amaedo Collection), Ella Cisneros (Collector) and Irene Gelfman (Global Curator of Pinta).


Participating galleries, proposals in duos  | > more informaton about the duos

PER Art Projects. Lima, Perú + Valerie's Factory. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cindy Ramírez + Trinidad Metz Brea and Julieta Proto


Bloc Art. Lima, Perú + Crudo Arte Contemporáneo. Rosario, Argentina 

María Eugenia Moya e Ivet Salazar + Nicole Mazza and  Edgar Murillo


Casa del Barrio. Guayaquil, Ecuador + The White Lodge. Córdoba, Argentina

Andrea Moreira y Leandro Pesantes + Pablo Peisino and Rosa Mercerdes Gonzáalez


Salón Comunal. Bogotá, Colombia  + Subsuelo. Rosario, Argentina

Bernardo Montoya y Néstor Gutiérrez + Alicia Nakatsuka and Beatriz Trepat


Moria Galería. Buenos Aires, Argentina + Judas. Valparaíso, Chile 

Santiago Paredes + Carolina Agüero and Camilo Ortega





Moria Gallery (Buenos Aires) + Judas Gallery (Valparaíso)

Santiago Paredes + Carolina Agüero and Camilo Ortega


The works of Carolina Agüero (Puerto Montt, 1986), Camilo Ortega (Iquique, 1985) and Santiago Paredes (Buenos Aires, 1988) are developed from research on experiences in specific contexts, such as the desert and Patagonia in Chile or urban environments in Argentina. From the recovery of personal and family memories and the exploration of landscapes and everyday actions, this group of artists proposes reflections on the processes of colonization, the devastation of ecosystems, the excessive extraction of resources and the ways of inhabiting and experiencing the world from the means of contemporary visuality and virtuality.


More information about the galleries and artists at




PER Art Projects (Lima) + Valerie's Factory (Buenos Aires)

Cindy Ramirez + Trinidad Metz Brea and Julieta Proto


The links between technologies and codes created in different times and communities are highlighted in the proposals of Cindy Ramirez (Lima, 1988), Trinidad Metz Brea (Buenos Aires, 1994) and Julieta Proto (Buenos Aires, 1996). The graphic representations of digital languages, textile production, drawing and graffiti converge in common means of creation, expression and expansion that confront historical times and propose fluid identities. These are proposals that evoke new configurations for future scenarios based on the representation of ancestral schemes, family memories and everyday narratives.


More information about the galleries and artists at




Bloc Art Peru (Lima) + Crudo Arte Contemporáneo (Rosario)

María Eugenia Moya & Ivet Salazar + Nicole Mazza & Egar Murillo


María Eugenia Moya (Lima, 1985), Ivet Salazar (Lima, 1989), Nicole Mazza (Gainesville, 1989) and Egar Murillo (San Salvador de Jujuy, 1975) elaborate compositions that refer to the fragility of the subjects and split social bodies that interweave, corporalities that break and that, in the middle of the contradictions of human exchanges, are also repaired and reintegrated. Painting, embroidery or ceramics allow them to approach mythology and ancestral imaginaries, as well as the visuality of popular culture, and to propose reflections on the imperatives for gender roles and the ways of establishing links and interactions in contemporary communities.


More information about the galleries and artists at




Casa del Barrio (Guayaquil) + The White Lodge (Córdoba)

Andrea Moreira and Leandro Pesantes + Pablo Peisino and Rosa Mercerdes Gonzalez


From the lines of drawing -in the works of Andrea Moreira (Guayaquil, 1989), Leandro Pesantes (Guayaquil, 1986), Pablo Peisino (Córdoba, 1975) and Rosa Mercerdes Gonzalez (Córdoba, 1955)- sound landscapes, natural structures, scenes made of instants and reflections on diverse life experiences unfold. These are proposals that broaden the definitions of emerging artistic practices and extend lines of dialogue between different generations, means of creation and geographic spaces.


More information about the galleries and artists at



Salón Comunal (Bogotá) + Subsuelo (Rosario)

Bernardo Montoya and Néstor Gutiérrez + Alicia Nakatsuka and Beatriz Trepat


The works of Bernardo Montoya (Bogotá, 1979), Néstor Gutiérrez (Sobral, 1980), Alicia Nakatsuka (Garuhapé, 1984) and Beatriz Trepat (Rosario, 1965) affirm diverse perspectives on the possibilities of representation and creation of landscapes, through the study of the beings that coexist in these environments and the particularities of the nature of different territories. From painting and ceramics they recreate geographies, evidence the superimposition of strata and elements, and contrast approaches from the vastness and breadth of panoramic visions to the focused concentratation on the smallest details that converge in contemporary ecosystems.


More information about the galleries and artists at


Giuliana Vidarte

Giuliana Vidarte (Lima, 1981)

Curator, art historian and teacher. She has developed research and exhibition projects on the relationship between visual arts and literature, the rewriting of history from the recovery of unofficial discourses and the history of the arts and contemporary creation from the Peruvian Amazon. She works as a professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Between 2015 and 2018, she was curator of the research project, management and promotion of Amazonian art Bufeo. Amazonía+Arte. In 2019, she was curatorial assistant of the Peruvian Pavilion at the 58th Venice Biennale. Currently, she is Head of Curatorial and Collection at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Lima. Her latest projects as curator include "Itineraries of the Present. 25 years of Passport for an artist" (2022) and "Solar Return", winner of the MAC Lima Art and Innovation Award 2023, held in Room 2 of the MAC Lima. Likewise, the "ICPNA Contemporary Art Award 2022", which was presented at the Juan Pardo Heeren Gallery; and "Rivers can exist without water but not without shores", which took place in Room 3 of MAC Lima.