
Alicia Antich


Visual artist, researcher. Lives and works in Bahía Blanca and the city of Buenos Aires CABA. Art Teacher at the EM Universidad Nacional del Sur.


“HYPATIA: words burn, not bonfires” 2023
Materials and technique: glass cylinders screen printed with names
of dde women writers. antiquity, plotted with tanza and
steel and plastic seals in the manner of chain mail.
The Little Houses (series) 2023
Materials and technique: pyrex-type glass houses with various
elements inside. In some, silk-screened text.

Alicia Antich
Title: Leche derramada
Serie: Las casitas
Medium: objeto intervenido
Year: 2023

Additional information

Las Casitas (serie) 2023
Materiales y técnica: casitas de vidrio tipo pírex con variados
elementos dentro. En algunas, texto en serigrafía.
10 cm alto X 8 cm ancho X 9 cm profundidad

Other works of Imaginario

Other galleries

Durban Segnini Gallery
Prima Galería
Petrus Gallery
Leche derramada