El Museo

Starsky Brines


Starsky Brines’ (Caracas, Venezuela, 1977) paintings and drawings captivate audiences with their distinctive style and a recurring theme, the search for the nature of humanity. In his bold works, the artist focuses on characters that are built from a combination of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic features, as well as the appropriation of elements from comics and toys from his childhood.
Starsky Brines studied Painting from 1999 to 2005 at the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón in Caracas, and received his Advanced Diploma in History of Western Art, Universidad Metropolitana and the Center for Latin American Studies Arturo Uslar Pietri, Metropolitan University in Caracas. His work has received international attention in exhibitions and has been included in significant collections in cities such as Caracas, Basel, Buenos Aires, Bogotá, Santander, Miami, Madrid, and Seoul. Starsky Brines lives and works in Miami, United States.


The work of Starsky Brines (Caracas, Venezuela, 1977) reflects the hybridization present in Caribbean and Latin American cities, immersed in chaos and absurd, improbable realities, of which the artist is more than an observer. These realities nourish him, contributing drama and freshness to his imagination. Starsky places us at a crossroads between the intimate and the social, between the forces of the natural and the urban, between nostalgia and happiness. The profusion of his lines, words, gestures, and strokes, the unsettling expressions of his characters, and the simplicity of his palette delve into the joy of the primal and the playful. However, they are tinged with the sinister, unsettling us and connecting us with the strength and drive of contemporary societies, regardless of territories or customs. It connects us with our archetypal universe through various visual codes, drawn from both the urban environment and his memory. In doing so, he creates grotesque characters that evoke our animality and hostility, where the past is a constant present, constructing new narratives to bring us closer to an essentially human being who grapples with their animal nature, estranged from their own reality.

Starsky Brines
Title: Viviendo de aplausos
Medium: Acrílico y crayón sobre lienzo
Year: 2023
Dimensions: 150 x 150 cm
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

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