Alex Slato

Richard Garet


Richard Garet’s work has been awarded nationally and internationally by institutions such as South Florida Cultural Consortium, FL; Prix Ars Electronica, Linz; Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay; CIFO Grants & Commissions Program, FL; The Clocktower, NYC; Foundation of Contemporary Arts, NYC; Issue Project Room, NYC; New York State Council of the Arts, NYC; and Taliesin West, The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, Scottsdale, Arizona. 

Recent projects include Transhemisférico, Gurvich Museum of Art, Montevideo, Uruguay; Beyond the Sounds of Silence, Lowe Art Museum of The University of Miami, Miami, FL; Revealing, Piero Atchugarry Gallery, Miami, FL; Plural Domains, Selected Works From CIFO Collection, Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL; Interstitial Spaces, CTM 2020, KQB Kunstraum, Berlin, Germany; Apocalypse at Nicola Pedana Gallery, Caserta, Italy; Four Horsemen, MAKER Fair, Rome, Italy; Primitivo, Casa Hoffman, Bogota, Colombia; The Festival of the Image, Manizales, Colombia; CIFO Grants & Commissions Program Exhibition 2017, Florida, USA; RED-Splice, Fridman Gallery, NYC; SOUND ONE, Cindy Rucker, NYC; Periscope, Zipper Gallery, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Screen Memory, Galerie Burster, Berlin; Midnight Moment, site specific work created for the electronic billboards of Times Square, NY; Alusiones, Carmen Araujo Arte, Hacienda de la Trinidad, Caracas, Venezuela; Meta-residue: Input Material, Space, Studio 10, NY; Theorem: You Simply Destroy the Image I Always Had of Myself, Maná Contemporary, NJ; Adrenalina, Red Bull Station, Sau Paulo, Brazil; International Biennial of Contemporary Art of Cartagena de Indias, Cartagena, Colombia; Bioderivas, Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre, Tenerife, Spain; Queens International, Queens Museum of Art, Queens, New York; Soundings: a Contemporary Score, Museum of Modern Art, New York; Extraneous to the Message, Julian Navarro Projects, NY; The Spacious Now and the Scale of the Instantaneous, Studio 10, NY; 5x5 Real Unreal, Museum of Art Acarigua-Araure, Venezuela; EAC: Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, Uruguay; Fine Arts Museum of Montreal; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA), Barcelona, Spain; Art Museum of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico; and El Museo del Barrio, NYC.


Richard Garet is a contemporary multimedia artist born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1972. He holds an MFA from Bard College, NY. Garet has lived and worked in the United States since 1996. Richard Garet's work is recognized in the context of sound and visual arts and has been exhibited in galleries and institutions globally. 

Garet examines the ontological interplay inherent in his materials, encompassing the activation of background noise, the orchestration of imagery and sounds, and the conduction of experiments using outdated and current technological apparatuses. Through this intricate exploration, employing diverse media and materials to convey his artistic message, Garet's work culminates in abstractions, resulting in multidimensional artworks that challenge traditional artistic categorizations.

Through his art, Garet demonstrates how technology can create new art forms, serving as a bridge between the past and the present, and subsequently gaining insight into our place in the world. For Garet, his conceptual and experimental creations embody the perception of contemporary life as a filtered and sensory experience.

Richard Garet
Title: Perceptual Painting #5
Serie: Perceptual Paintings
Medium: Archival Pigment print on canvas
Year: 2018
Dimensions: 153 x 102 x 10 cm
Price: US$ 14,000.00

Additional information

This series of six canvas were created from the original moving image work titled Perceptual Sonic Landscape. The artwork was presented for the entire month of June 2015 on the electronic Billboards of Time Square, NY as part of the TSq events. all works are unique/
Esta serie de seis lienzos se creó a partir de la obra original de imágenes en movimiento titulada Perceptual Sonic Landscape. La obra de arte estuvo presentada durante todo el mes de junio de 2015 en los Billboards electrónicos de Time Square, NY como parte de los eventos TSq. todas las obras son únicas/

Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Alex Slato

Other galleries

Dina Mitrani Gallery
Consulado General de España en Miami
Pan American Art Projects
Salar Galería de Arte
Perceptual Painting #5