Taller Maldonado (TM Galería )

Nikita Felíx


(Gye 1993), visual artist based in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Master in Management and
Entrepreneurship of Cultural Projects, UNIR International and Bachelor of Visual Arts from
the University of the Arts of Ecuador. Currently, she is a cultural programmer at the Center for
Production and Innovation of the University of the Arts – MZ14.


As an artist I have always sought that all my artistic processes be linked to an emotional sincerity demanded by my feelings-thoughts of various vital experiences collected throughout my life. I seek to build a dialogue that questions or criticizes positions that naturalize the abandonment and lack of responsibility of the individual for their perception of an environment considered "natural", in addition to proposing the approach of bodies in a "wild" state, as a construction of a self-assessment about how we assume ourselves in order to build an understanding of the pre-established structures that mark the relationship and the transit of being in a space built for ephemeral "functionality".
My production arises between reflections and gazes directed towards a daily life that lives in the midst of ecological devastation. In this way, the situation (more than the action) is shown as an agent that influences the process of formation and life of humans. Hence the urgency of showing the liquid and invasiveness between human-planet relations, highlighting the failure of the capitalist modernity of the city. Likewise, a landscape is evident that juxtaposes the industrial with the habitable-home, which is also configured as the contradictory act that makes possible a kind of self-destruction that surpasses and submerges the same homo economicus that has caused it.
From the experimentation of various media and supports, I seek to build scenarios of an unreal nature as a product of that externalization of latent memories during day to day, in order to create a space that is accountable to the fragility of beings and the impact of latent dominance in the face of these paradigms that lead us to question the role we should have on ourselves over nature.

Nikita Felíx
Title: It was one of our rooms.
Medium: acrilico
Year: 2022
Dimensions: 40 x 60 cm
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Taller Maldonado (TM Galería )

Other galleries

MAP - Montenegro Art Projects
HARTvest Project
Prima Galería
Galería del Paseo
It was one of our rooms.