Pinta Miami 2022, will feature a series of seven Private and Public Collections Awards, from important and prestigious Ibero-American collectors, from both sides of the Atlantic. Supported by their own teams of curators and advisors, or with the follow-up of our curatorial team in the event that this is required.
The following prizes will be awarded:
Jorge M Perez Collection, Miami
The Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection, Miami
Juan Carlos Maldonado Art Collection, Miami
DC Family Foundation, Miami
Alberto and Ginette Rebaza Collection, Lima
Ama Amoedo Collection, José Ignacio
Aldebaran Collection, Madrid.
These Awards will endow their winners with prestige for the excellence of the collections to which they will enter as acquisitions, thus generating a synergy where the private and the public are related with the sole objective that the edition of Pinta Miami be a platform to promote art collecting.