Tanya Brillembourg Art Partners

Juan Raúl Hoyos


The way in which I have been developing my ideas during the last years, basically consists of capturing and evaluating photographic images that I myself almost always produce using my cell phone, which after manipulating and processing them will eventually be used in multiple media: serigraphs, paintings , drawings, photographs, sculptures and installations.
They are generally images of the city, city land- scapes of places where I pass through or stay for an indefinite period of time, and that keep me in a direct relationship with the elements that surround me.
In short, my work is a constant investigation of the living space, the places where my life happens, “the every day” of my life.

Juan Raúl Hoyos
Title: DN-363
Serie: From "Denatured Series"
Medium: Sculpture made from pieces of furniture found on the street serigraphic prints using artificial color pigments ,charcoal, golden leaf,acrylic, neon -led installation on wood platform
Year: 2004 - 2010
Dimensions: 116.84 x 91.44 x 15.24 cm
Price: US$ 16,000.00

Other works of Tanya Brillembourg Art Partners

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Galería José Amar
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